Are you are looking for Pickleball Equipment?
As Pickleball is in its infancy within the UK, sporting goods stores are not stocking Pickleball equipment. Trying to find equipment at a reasonable price can be difficult.
Searching the internet is not easy, as website site information while showing prices in £ Sterling may not be shipped from within the UK or the EU. If shipped from outside this area, you will get additional charges of up to 30% before the items will be delivered to you. This is made up of Import Duty, VAT and an Admin charge levied by the company contracted to deliver the items to your door.
Before you purchase equipment be certain you know where the items are being shipped from, to avoid any unexpected additionsl costs.
To help you, we have listed 2 websites we know are located within the UK, so no additonal charges, other than shipping costs will be added where applicable. We do not recomend one against any of the others. Click on the icon for each entry to view website.
- This company is located in the UK and run by people who enjoy playing Pickleball themselves.
- This website is operated via Amazon UK by an American company, Note some items have no shipping costs.